Sunday, 14 August 2011

Does my Fuseboard/Consumer unit/Fusebox Need Changing?

If your home has an old style Fuseboard or Consumer Unit; installed before 2008, it will probably NOT comply with 17th Edition IEE wiring regulations BS7671 so may not meet current safety standards.

We recommend you upgrade your old Fuseboard to 17th Edition [see jargon buster] and enjoy the benefits of safeguarding your property against any electrical hazards, more room to incorporate future electrical circuits into the same Fuseboard such as extensions and additional sockets etc.

There are also about 12,500 electrical fires in homes across the UK each year.
Although many incidents are caused by faulty appliances rather than the electrical installation itself, a properly installed and well-maintained electrical system could save lives.
Cables, switches, socket-outlets and other equipment deteriorate with prolonged use, so they all need to be checked and necessary replacements or repairs made in good time.
Whilst it is relatively easy to make an electrical circuit work it is far trickier to make the circuit work safely.
To avoid the dangers that electricity can create it is essential that electrical work is carried out only by those with the correct knowledge, skill and experience in the type of electrical work to be undertaken.